Privacy policy for data processing

This page describes the management procedures of the site referring to the treatment of the users’ personal data, such as methods and purposes of personal data processing.

This policy is pursuant of the articles 13 to 14 of EU 2016/679 GDPR regarding those who engage with web services accessible via internet with the address:

This site is property of di PROJECT S.A.S. DI MASSIMO PERUCCA which manages and maintains it with the aim of providing information and communications inherent to the goods and services offered.

The policy only refers to this site and not to any other site accessible via our links, of which PROJECT S.A.S. DI MASSIMO PERUCCA is not in any way responsible of.

 PROJECT S.A.S. DI MASSIMO PERUCCA headquartered in Corso Laghi, 22, 10051 - Avigliana (TO)  in the capacity of Data Controller of your personal data, pursuant to and for the purposes of EU 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”), hereby informs you that the aforementioned legislation provides for the protection of data subjects regarding the processing of personal data and that this treatment will be based on principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and rights.


Contact details of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is reachable by the following addresses:


Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the legislative provisions of the above legislation and the confidentiality obligations therein.




Throughout their normal functioning, the I.T. systems and the software procedures in charge of the operation of this website, can acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in internet’s communication protocols. This kind of information is not collected with the purpose of being associated to identified interests, but due to its specific nature could be tracked back to its original user through elaborations and associations with other data belonging to third parties. In particular IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users of the site, URI addresses of required resources, the time of the request, the method used for the request to the server, the size of the file received, the numeric code defining the state of the server’s response (error, success…) and other parameters related to the operative system or the web environment of the user. This data is used with the sole purpose of collecting anonymous statistical information about the site itself and its correct functioning. It is immediately deleted after its elaboration. The data could be used for responsibility investigation in case of hypothetical offences towards the website.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

  1. SENDING COMMUNICATIONS TO OUR EMAIL ADDRESSES: the optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site, for the sending of specific requests, entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.
  2. BECOME AN SSbD MEMBER: the compilation of the explicit and voluntary data collection form, aimed at requests to become an SSbD member, involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, personal data (name and surname) and employment. Following registration, members will have access to informative and scientific content uploaded to the website such as webinars, workshops, presentations).


Profile Data

This data, which you provide when you register in the customer area, includes your first and last name, the email address with which you registered and the corresponding password, as well as your contact details.


Specific summary information is reported or displayed on the pages of the site prepared for particular services on request.



The data is mainly processed by electronic and I.T. devices. It is memorized on both computer and paper databases and also on every other suitable option for the purposes of articles 6,32- GDPR and through the adoption of adequate security measures provided for the prevention of data leakage, improper or criminal use or non-authorised accesses. We inform you that, in order to provide you with the complete service, our website could contain links to other pages not managed by us. We are not responsible for errors, contents, cookies, illicit publications, advertisements, banners or files which do not respect the regulations in force or the privacy policy referred to our sites. To improve our service, we suggest writing a review to the following address:, concerning any kind of suggestion, malfunction or notification. Your data will be carefully handled exclusively by authorised staff.



The processing of the data will be carried out for the following purposes:

  1. Internet navigation. The legal base of the processing is the execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures, pursuing the article 6, part 1 letter b) of the regulation. The data conferment is optional for these purposes, but the eventual lack of provision could prevent the execution of contractual relationships.
  2. Become an SSbD-Registration member on the site. The legal basis for the processing is the consent of the data subject, pursuant to art. 6, par. 1, letter a) of the Regulation. The provision of data for these purposes is optional, but failure to provide it would make it impossible to obtain the requested service.
  3. The execution of obligations required by laws or regulations. For this purpose, the data processing is necessary to fulfil the obligation to which the controller is subject, for the purposes of the article 6, part 1 letter b) of the regulation.
  4. Protection of the Controller in judicial proceedings. For this purpose, the data treatment is necessary for the achievement of the legitimate interest of the controller pursuing the article 6, part 1 letter b) of the regulation.



The personal data concerned in the processing can be also shared with other subjects whose access to your personal data is authorised by legal regulations, secondary and/or community legislations. Your data will be exclusively shared competent subjects, selected for execution of the necessary services, a correct management of the relationship and with the guarantee of protection of the data subject’s rights. Furthermore, some data may be communicated or shared among PROJECT S.A.S. DI MASSIMO PERUCCA’s web operators, which also manage the domain name.

Your personal data will not be shared in any way.




We inform you that, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the retention period of your personal data is necessary for the entire duration of the service provision and fulfilment of the conservation regulation concerning the fiscal, tributary and contractual documentation.



  1. The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form.
  2. The data subject has the right to obtain information about:
    the origin of the personal data;
    the purposes and methods of processing;
    the logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
    the identification details of the owner, of the managers and of the designated representative pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2;
    of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents.
  3. The data subject has the right to obtain:
    updates on, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
    the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including those whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed;
    the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data has been communicated or disseminated, except in the case in which this fulfillment proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right;
    data portability.
  4. The data subject has the right to object, in whole or in part:
    for legitimate reasons related to the processing of personal data concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
  5. The data subject has the right to request the limitation of the processing.


You can exercise your rights by sending an email to or by sending a written request to the above addresses.


In addition, if the data subject considers that the processing of their data is contrary to the legislation in force, he can lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of personal data pursuant to Article 77 of Regulation 2016/679 or submit a report pursuant to art. 144 of Legislative Decree 101/2018.



In certain sections of the website, i.e. on the data collection forms, we have implemented the anti-spam service.

Captcha is a type of security measure, known as Challenge/Response authentication that analyzes website traffic, processing the user's personal data, in order to protect the site owner, the site itself, and users from spam, software bots, worms, spam bots, brute force attacks, and password cracking by asking them to pass a simple test that proves that the user is a person and not a user. Computer that is attempting to hack a password-protected account.


This site uses solely cookies for its functional purpose.

Cookies are small text files which can be used by websites to make the user’s internet experience more efficient. The law states that we can save cookies on your device only if they are useful for the functioning of this site. For other kinds of cookies, we need your consent. Learn more about who we are, how to contact us and how we treat personal data in our privacy policy.


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